Webduino This is an Arduino-based Web Server library, originally developed for a class at NYC Resistor. It's called Webduino, and it's an extensible web server library for the Arduino using the Wiznet-based Ethernet shields. It's released under the MIT license allowing all sorts of reuse. Features URL parameter parsing Handle the following HTTP Methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH Web Forms Images JSON/RESTful interface HTTP Basic Authentication Installation Notes With Arduino 1.0, add the Webduino folder to the "libraries" folder of your sketchbook directory. You can put the examples in your own sketchbook directory, or in hardware/libraries/webduino/examples, as you prefer. If you get an error message when building the examples similar to "WebServer.h not found", it's a problem with where you put the Webduino folder. The server won't work if the header is directly in the libraries folder. Resources Wedbuino Presentation on Google Docs A Wedbuino based file server Compatible Ethernet Shields These have all been tested with the library successfully: Freetronics Etherten Freetronics Ethernet Shield Arduino Ethernet Arduino Ethernet Shield, both original and updated microSD version Adafruit Ethernet Shield w/ Wiznet 811MJ module NKC Electronics Ethernet Shield DIY Kit Shields using the Microchip ENC28J60 chip won't work with the library as that requires more software support for implementating the TCP/IP stack.
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