NeoGeoGoBackMachine by jomppe

Cloned from Sketch NeoGeoGoBackMachine by Barry914

This sketch is missing a short description
This is a project based on [Adafruit's wearable NeoGeo Watch project]( It uses their [16 pixel NeoPixel ring](, [magnetometer/accelerometer module](, [Ultimate GPS module](, [Flora module](, [500mAh Li-Poly battery](, and [charger module]( It has some functional enhancements: - It can remember its current location and later return you to that location. - WAAS location accuracy enhancement has been enabled - It has a 2-range speedometer mode - The clock automatically compensates for Daylight/Summer Time - The compass has an enhanced indicator dial - It provides for more precise compass calibration and multiple methods for calibrating the compass The method used to map the compass or GPS heading to an indicator LED, and the method for mapping time to the LED ring was revamped from a set of comparisons to simple math functions. This freed up the program memory needed to include these enhancements. Note that a minor change to the LSM303 and Adafruit GPS libraries require you to use my versions rather than the versions on this site. The changes to the LSM303 library are minor and relate to the declaration of the compass calibration values. The GPS library changes are just implementation of some additional GPS commands from the PMK command set list.

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