DripControlMK3 by ptamike

Cloned from Sketch DripControl by ptamike

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**Irrigation Drip Control System** This is a simple drip control program for a home irrigation system. **Operation** The program controls a solenoid operated valve that passes water through to the drip nozzle. The Arduino output on pin 9 is used to drive a switching MOSFET that turns on and opens the valve when pin 9 is set HIGH. There are three user settings provided as follows: **Drip Size:** This is a function of the length of time that the valve is open. The software provides adjustment in 10mS increments between xxxx and xxxx. **Number of Drips:** This is the number of drips delivered for each activation and has a range of 1 - 10. **Time Between Drips:** This is a simple delay between each drip delivery session. This is adjustable in seconds between 1 and 255 seconds. The user settings are displayed on a 4 x 20 LCD display fitted with an Adafruit i2c/SPI LCD BackPack unit. User input is acquired using a rotary quadrature encoder where each shaft click provides a single change in the selected value.

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