sparkfun_sik_006a_button_rgb by fmorton

Cloned from Sketch SIK_circuit05_pushButton_v2 by SparkFun SIK Examples

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This example is a variation on the SIK circuit #5. Instead of two buttons and an LED, we use one button and an RGB LED. sketch illustrates using a simple pushButton and an RGB LED to sequence through several program states using what is called a state machine. Each time the button is pressed, a state variable is incremented. There is a nested if-else statement below that then does something different depending on the value of the state variable. <span style="display:block; text-align:center;"><iframe width="450" height="380" src="" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></span> This is a very useful trick for creating menus, incrementing through steps, or controlling your projects.

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