OUT_RGBLED+2xSwitches02 by yasusanto

Cloned from Sketch OUT_RGBLED+2xSwitches01 by yasusanto

This sketch is missing a short description
**RGB-LED and 2x Momentary Switches 02** This program makes Arduino to read signals (on/off) from two momentary switches (it reads signals about every 50 milliseconds). The program then instruct Arduino to increase the light intensity of one of colours (RGB) of the RGB-LED according to the switch combination. - If both switches are pressed, Blue becomes 1 step brighter (maximum 250). - If switch 1 is pressed, Red becomes 1 step brighter (maximum 250). - If switch 2 is pressed, Green becomes 1 step brighter (maximum 250). When any of RGB values exceeded ‘250’, it resets to ‘0’. **printRGB** is a custom function to print RGB value to Serial Monitor. **rgbPattern** is a custom function to change RGB value of RGB-LED. Try changing any of RGB values to see if you can find the colour you like. "**+=**" adds the number that follows the sign to the preceding variable and store the result to the same variable. See [Increment Compound](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/IncrementCompound) in Arduino’s language reference for more information. ![enter image description here](http://coadaptable.com/dnb603/dnh603_light+sound+motion_switches.png "enter image title here")

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