MS10_arp4nano by lafeeclochette.yeah

Cloned from Sketch Simple_analog_arpegio by lafeeclochette.yeah

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rework of simple analog arpeggio to run on nano and with an external can 16bits ADS1115 typicaly the purpose was to add an arpeggiator to my korg MS10. -vcoOut: pin9 (PWM16bits) -pwmLed: pin10 -gateIn: pin8 -gateOut: pin11 par defaut(modifiable) -buttons&switch pin 3-7 --sw: START HOLD PATTERN ; --push but: RESET(connect on START sw) UNDO,BLANK,REPEAT -tap push butt: pin 2 because we need int0 USE BY arp class -duration rotary: adc6 pinA6 -mode rotary: adc7 pinA7

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