webpagetemp by volthauslab

This sketch is missing a short description
**Temperature and humidity displayed locally on an LCD and on a webpage. Log into your router and put the local network IP for the project's ethernet adapter into the DMZ. The service is XXX.XXX.X.X:80 then visit http://whatismyip.com and then put your IP into the URL field of your browser and you should see the page. Use a free http://noip.com host if you want to share your page without sharing your home IP address.**

Embed This Sketch

Use the following HTML code to embed the sketch code above in your blog or website.

<iframe style="height: 510px; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0 10px;" allowTransparency="true" src="https://codebender.cc/embed/sketch:157659" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Embed The Serial Monitor

You can also embed the Serial Monitor section! Just use this HTML code.

<iframe style="height: 510px; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0 10px;" allowTransparency="true" src="https://codebender.cc/embed/serialmonitor" frameborder="0"></iframe>