Eriks RGBShades by tocket

Cloned from Sketch RGBShades by macetech

This sketch is missing a short description
Firmware for RGB Shades (Arduino-compatible sunglasses with 16x5 matrix of WS2812B pixels) Requires FastLED 2.1 or higher, available here: RGB Shades described here: When downloading ZIP file, remove "-master" at the end of the folder name before attempting to open in the Arduino IDE If your RGB Shades were purchased before July 2015: This version has the standard Arduino bootloader. R9 and R10 near the control buttons will be present. Select the “Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (5V,16MHz w/ATmega328)” option.. If your RGB Shades were purchased after July 2015: This version has the Optiboot bootloader. R9 and 10 near the control buttons will be missing. Select the “Arduino Mini w/ATmega328” option.

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