SerialMotorControl copy copy copy by acarmona

Cloned from Sketch SerialMotorControl by bri_huang

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###SerialMotorControl Example This is a nice example showing how to use the Serial monitor to directly control the speed of a motor connected to an H-Bridge Driver. Upload this example to your device, open up the Serial Monitor, and enter in a speed (0 - 255) for the motor. ### Hardware connections: #### H-Bridge IC (Pins are numbered counter-clockwise starting at the upper left corner) * pin 1 (IC) -- pin 3 (arduino) * pin 2 (IC) -- pin 4 (arduino) * pin 3 (IC) -- Motor + * pin 4 (IC) -- GND * pin 6 (IC) -- Motor - * pin 7 (IC) -- pin 5 (arduino) * pin 8 (IC) -- Vcc (motor power) * pin 16 (IC) -- Vcc (5V for IC)

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