Bluetooth by Cuatrocento

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(Robot#1) STEP #10-3 : bluetooth receiver (HC-06) tests connected to the robot; it's connected to the serial port of the Arduino Sensor Shield V5; I use the MOBOT application to test it until I release the mine; the settings of the app is : forward (f); backward (b); left (l); right (r); stop (s); all others (x) NOTA : don't forget to remove the power signal of the bluetooth module while you are uploading your sketch as the uploader uses the serial port to get the programm, reconnect after the upload is finished. here is the sketch : // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This sketch allows to check the bluetooth sensor HC-06 and the mobile phone to pilot the robot // // HC-06 -- Sensor Shield V5 // VCC -- + - red // GND -- - - black // TXD -- RX - yellow // RXD -- TX - orange // // // // //

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