LeoNeoClock by Uaneme

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LeoNewClock code For the SteelPuppet LeoNeoClock by Duane Benson, 2015 LeoNeoClock is Arduino Leonardo compatible. It uses a Maxim DS3231M RTC and a 60 pixel NeoPixel ring from Adafruit. (four of Adafruit product ID#1768) It can be programmed with just about any library that is compatible with the Arduino Leonardo. It uses the standard Arduino IDE (V1.05 or newer) in the "Leonardo" setting. The hour indicator is yellow. The minute indicator is green. The second indicator is blue. Each hour marker is indicated by orange in the AM, and by pink in the PM. Press the right button to increase brightness. Press the left button to decrease brightness. To set time, press and release both buttons at the same time. The on-board LED (Arduino digital out 13) will light up to indicate time set mode. Press the right button to increase the hour. Press the left button to decrease the hour. Then press both buttons at the same time to set the minutes. Press the right button to increase the minute. Press the left button to decrease the minute. When done, press both buttons at the same time again. The seconds will be reset to zero and the on-board LED will turn off. Note that when setting the time, moving the hour past am/pm in either direction will change clock accordingly. Moving the minute past the hour in either direction will change the hour accordingly. Moving the hour past midnight in either direction will change the internal date. The date isn't used in this incarnation, but could be used with additional software (written by you) to set alarms. First revision 12/28/14 Supports LeoNeoClock V1.5 Compiled with Arduino IDE V1.6.0

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