ArduinoGamingController_Updated by kevin.brigadier

This sketch is missing a short description
This code is modified from code I obtained through the following link: The instructable, the unmodified code, and the Joystick library were created by Matthew Heironimus. All credit for this code belongs to him. Without his work this code would not be possible. This code requires that you have the arduino IDE version 1.6.6 or later. Tested with both 1.6.6 and 1.6.7 It WILL NOT work with earlier versions of the Arduino IDE. This code also requires the "Joystick" library to work and it is NOT a library the Arduino IDE has by default. There is a link to it in the above instructable. Or through this link:

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  • 2021-05-04 JACK

    come hai fatto a riportare sul display le informazioni come la velocità e le marce?

  • 2019-11-17 LootBag

    Thanks very much for writing this up. A couple of notes on my experience ...

    I'm running 1.8.10, and this code failed without the following change:

    Joystick_ Joystick; // I inserted this following the #include <joystick.h>

    Also, for the slider I was using for a throttle, there was no need to divide by 4.

    //Throttle_ = analogRead(A4)/4; // This left me with only 1/4 travel
    Throttle_ = analogRead(A4);
    // This worked perfectly

    Anyhow, thanks for writing up this code, and especially thanks for taking the trouble to comment your code. I looked at so many examples for this library, and couldn't make any sense of them. Your code comments made the difference for me.