LowPowerExample by vamichael

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Modified Arduino Pro Mini using Rocketscream power library. Adapted from [Home Automation article](http://www.home-automation-community.com/arduino-low-power-how-to-run-atmega328p-for-a-year-on-coin-cell-battery/) Take an ATmega328P Pro Mini Version (either 3.3V or 5V version) and use a sharp knife to cut the trace from the power LED. Note: The author noted that after cutting the trace the 5V version actually draws *less* than the 3.3V version. I only have the 3.3V versions, so I was unable to test if this was true, but I did receive the same power draw (.054mA) after cutting the trace. N.B. - I did **not** remove the power regulator, so I can't personally attest to the power savings. For my needs, the power savings I achieved appear to be enough so that I didn't bother with this step. Traces to the Power LED before cutting. ![Cut either trace indicated by the red arrows](http://www.home-automation-community.com/content/images/2015/02/arduino_pro_mini_led_zoom_marked.jpg "Before cutting") Traces to the Power LED after cutting. ![Arduino after the trace is cut](http://www.home-automation-community.com/content/images/2015/02/arduino_pro_mini_led_zoom_after_cut.jpg "After cutting") Use the [Rocketscream library](https://github.com/rocketscream/Low-Power) to put the unit into deep sleep. Use interrupts to wake device and perform an action and then put unit back to sleep.)

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