another_synth by lafeeclochette.yeah

simple midi synth up to 4 simultaneous differents note, 6 waveforms, 4 envellope, arpeggiator
simple midi synth: *up to 4 simultaneous differents notes *NOTE_ON with velocity over zero triggers voice. *Controller 75 controls waveform: SINE[0-21] TRIANGLE[22-42] SQUARE[43-63] SAW[64-84] RAMP[85-105] NOISE[106-127] *Controller 76 controls modulation: negative[0-63] neutral[64] positive[65-127] *Controller 77 controls envelope: ENVELOPE0[0-32] ENVELOPE1[33-64] ENVELOPE2[65-96] ENVELOPE3[97-127] *Controller 78 controls length: [0-127] *Arpeggiator for external clock IN *Controller 79 controls Arpeggiator: [0-127]->[0-4] 0=No Arpeggiator, 1=Up mode, 2=Down mode, 3=Up & Down mode, 4=Random arp mode, 5=full random, 6=triple .

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