Distorsion Menu by Mickmack49

Replace 12 pots on my guitar custom made distorsion unit using digital pots,rotary encoder and 16X2 LCD
First of all,I must say that I'm not English so don't pay too much attention about mistakes...Second,I'm totally newbie in Arduino,so my projects are always unfortunately bigger in my head than my capacities to make them work on the board.That said,I really want to make this one a success but my limitations in arduino programming conducted me to codebender web site and I hope that I,ll finally find the help I need to get this distorsion unit climb to a second stage. The fisrt sketch for the menu tree is on the direction I expect to give;I had success with another sketch to vary the digital pot(X9C104P) using a rotary encoder and print "Value UP" ; "Value Down" on the display and finally save the setting in digital pot non-volayile memory.I'm presently stuck since a while trying to get the two sketches together.Honestly,after many changes in the main sketch,I realize that It is difficult for me to figure out what is doing what.I don't really understand either how works the codebender site but the thing I know is that I really need some help and thus regain a peaceful sleep...

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