Float Control Demo copy copy by ams33

Cloned from Sketch Float Control Demo by grzegorz.pijarczyk

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# Feasibility Demo for the Float Control Project ## Roll as telemetry data We're going to hijack flight pack voltage on an aircraft system. Just read the roll angle from the gyro sensor (an MPU650 in a GY-521 board), convert that to a number between 0 and 1023, then output that via a D->A board to get a voltage. We really want a value between 0 and 9 volts, but may have to settle for less. We'll see. ## Servo control from the Arduino Add an RC servo reader to the arduino, and then read the PWM values and spit them back out. Make sure you implement a failsafe option. Test this, and see if you can still sail. ## Roll control Now we check the roll value, and let the sheets out when we get "to much" roll. Can we still sail?

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