Throttle Correction by qwertbochaffer

Cloned from Sketch AnalogWrite_Fix by qwertbochaffer

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This code is being used to fake a 0-5V output using the analogWrite() function which will be used to control the throttle position of an Alltrax AXE 4844 ESC due to the need to rectify the signal sent from a cheap Hall Effect pedal. The original signal from the throttle is between 14% and 80% or 0.9V and 4.3V. The corrected signal transitions linearly from 0% to 100% despite being a PWM wave from analogWrite(). The pedal is wired between a 5V source, and ground, with the signal wire from it connected to an Analog pin dubbed inputPin (here, A0). The output signal originates from outputPin and can be any PWM enabled pin.

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