Driver board ULN2003 with 28BYJ48 Stepper motor by reaganr

Cloned from Sketch Driver board ULN2003 with 28BYJ48 Stepper motor by ivo.legon

Stepper motor, 28BYJ48, with a 5-way connector Driver board, containing 4 Darlington drivers (ULN2003) and 4 LEDs
Motor Connections The diagram to the left shows the 5 wires connected to the motor. Plug the motor into the driver board. The Arduino should be connected to the ULN2003 driver board as shown below: 5V+ connect to +5V 5V- connect to 0V (Ground) IN1: to Arduino digital input pin 8 IN2: to Arduino digital input pin 9 IN3: to Arduino digital input pin 10 IN4: to Arduino digital input pin 11 ![enter link description here](

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