Light4challenge by LightSoundAction

Potentiometer controlled Red-Green-Blue LED
[Light Challenge 4 Fritzing File]( One of our favorite components is a Potentiometer. It is like a dimmer switch or the volume knob in our car stereo. It is totally analog, a range of values. It can be used in many ways, but ultimately, it's a variable resistor, giving a range of power to a device. Let's try it first with the RGB LED. 1 Arduino 1 USB cable 1 Breadboard 1 RGB LED - short lead GREEN, medium lead BLUE, longest lead NEGATIVE, short lead RED 3 330 ohms resistors 7 jumper wires - one for GND, three for pins 9, 10, 11. 3 for the Potentiometer 1 Potentiometer

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