Light7challenge by LightSoundAction

Make the Love-O-Meter!
[Light Challenge 7 Fritzing File]( Another sensor that is really fun to use is the temperature sensor - but PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!! This component really matters which direction it is connected. The potentiometers could be positive or negative on either side, but this temperature sensor will get really hot if it is short circuiting. Check with other partners around you and once you feel like you've got it, connect to power and upload the code to your Arduino. Check the sensor with a quick pinch. If it feels hot, disconnect and figure out what wire is out of place! 1 Arduino 1 USB cable 1 Breadboard 6-8 LEDs 6-8 330 ohms resistor 1 Temperature Sensor - TMP36 ***This part can be dangerous if connected in reverse. Be careful! Don't short circuit! 11-13 jumper wires

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