Light1challenge by LightSoundAction

Blink your LED directly on the Arduino - and - Blink your LED with a Resistor on the Breadboard
[Light Challenge 0 Fritzing File]( [Light Challenge 1 Fritzing File]( It doesn't get better than starting with Blink to get your Arduino juices flowing! Follow the first 2 steps and see how we can test an LED on the Arduino, directly into the Arduino, then ultimately more safely in the breadboard with a resistor. 1 Arduino 1 USB cable 1 Breadboard 1 LED 1 330 ohms resistor 3 jumper wires - one for 5V, one for GND, and one for Pin 13! <span style="display:block; text-align:center;"><iframe width="450" height="380" src="" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></span>

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