Arm_Robot_Task_Program_Man_BT_15_May_16_kim copy by Kimosubby

Cloned from Sketch Arm_Robot_Task_Program_Man_BT_15_May_16_kim by Kimosubby

3 or 4-DOF (MeArm) Robot Arm Programming (local or remote using Android/BT) to perform a specific repetitive task
3 or 4-DOF Arm Programming to perform a specific repetitive task * Programing local or remote using Android/BT * ==> In mode "Local" the servos are controled only by Potenciometers. * ==> In mode "Remote" the servos are controled only by Sliders at Android. * ==> Physical Switchs (Buttons) work in paralell with Android. * ==> Arm Robot Starts as "Local" mode control. Pressing "Alarm" or "Remote/Local" button at Android, will put in mode "Remote" * ==> Press button PROGRAM localy or at Android to Record a step (LED Grenn will light up) * ==> Press button RUN localy or at Android to execute sequencially the recorded steps, the "program" (LED blue will light up) * ==> Press button RESTART at Android to abort program (LED red will light up) - Note that should be at end of a completre pgm. * ==> Servos Ranges can be defined at ArmDefines.h or at by Android app Including all definitions, general functions and specific arm control functions at main file and not at at special Tabs (to be used on Codebender)

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