XBEEReciever by chronous

Cloned from Sketch XBEEReciever by sean.k.allen

This sketch is missing a short description
This code receives RC channel values from an Xbee, parses them, and outputs them as an array of PWM signals to be used in various RC projects such as multirotors or planes.

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<iframe style="height: 510px; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0 10px;" allowTransparency="true" src="https://codebender.cc/embed/sketch:328126" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Embed The Serial Monitor

You can also embed the Serial Monitor section! Just use this HTML code.

<iframe style="height: 510px; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0 10px;" allowTransparency="true" src="https://codebender.cc/embed/serialmonitor" frameborder="0"></iframe>