alarmclock by dislis

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**Alarm Clock** **Part list** - Arduino Duemilanove![Arduino Duemilanove]( "Arduino Duemilanove") - LCD from DFROBOT![LCD from DFROBOT]( "LCD from DFROBOT") - RTC module DS1302![RTC module DS1302]( "RTC module DS1302") - loudspeaker from old toy or buzzer ![loudspeaker from old toy]( "loudspeaker from old toy") **Connections** - **DS1302** - CE pin -> Arduino Digital 11 - I/O pin -> Arduino Digital 12 - SCLK pin -> Arduino Digital 13 - **LCD DFROBOT** - LCD RS pin to digital pin 9 - LCD Enable pin to digital pin 8 - LCD D4 pin to digital pin 7 - LCD D5 pin to digital pin 6 - LCD D6 pin to digital pin 5 - LCD D7 pin to digital pin 4 - LCD R/W pin to ground - LCD keys to Analoge pin A0 - **loudspeaker** - loudspeaker to digital pin 3 The project ready ![The project ready]( "The project ready")

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