SIK_circuit07_tempSensor by icrashplanes

Cloned from Sketch SIK_circuit07_tempSensor by SparkFun SIK Examples

Use the "serial monitor" window to read a temperature sensor (TMP36).
The TMP36 is an easy-to-use temperature sensor that outputs a voltage that's proportional to the ambient temperature. You can use it for all kinds of automation tasks where you'd like to know or control the temperature of something. More information on the sensor is available in the datasheet: Even more exciting, we'll start using the Arduino's serial port to send data back to your main computer! Up until now, we've been limited to using simple LEDs for output. We'll see that the Arduino can also easily output all kinds of text and data. ####Hardware connections: Be careful when installing the temperature sensor, as it is almost identical to the transistors! The one you want has a triangle logo and "TMP" in very tiny letters. The ones you DON'T want will have "222" on them. When looking at the flat side of the temperature sensor with the pins down, from left to right the pins are: 5V, SIGNAL, and GND. Connect the 5V pin to 5 Volts (5V). Connect the SIGNAL pin to ANALOG pin 0. Connect the GND pin to ground (GND). ####Wiring Diagram ![enter link description here](

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