GRBL_v09j cnc shield v4 by anthony.ollerton

Cloned from Sketch GRBL_v09j latest by jdbradford

For people who bought the cnc shield v4 for the nano and are wondering why it isnt working
the direction and step pins are wired up the wrong way. cpu_map_atmega328p.h edited also the step selectors seem to be wired wrong

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  • 2019-10-06 Rem Zibi

    This board design is totally fucked up, there are exchanged STEP - DIR pins, but most problem that jumpers for A4988 are made for GND instead of Vcc (5V) . So to fix STEP DIR simply compile GRBL with proper pins defined or modify the board by some traces cuts and some shortcuts. Most important is to modify jumpers by adding pull-up (to Vcc 5V) resistors about 4k7 for proper set of micro stepping of motor, elsewhere the motor will loose steps in full step mode, or be working very slowly.