robogarden by seralsa

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My first program, Arduino or otherwise! Designed to self-water plant. It uses a loop function to check for low conductivity between one or more moisture sensors every hour. If the average moisture of those sensors goes below a limit, the system will warn you of low water level, and if it goes below a critical level, the system will invoke the waterPlant function, which loops and keeps on your pump for a specified amount of time. When that time is up, the waterPlant while loop ends and the system will go back to checking the moisture levels hourly. Connect one or more moisture sensors to your arduino, set a minimum moisture level, and your arduino will turn on your water pump for a specified amount of time. A connected LCD screen reports the average water level, warns you when the water level is getting low, and tells you when your plants are being watered. Three LEDs report the status of your water level: Green = High moisture Yellow = Moderate moisture Red = Low Moisture When watering is about to take place, the LEDs will flash to give a visual warning. While watering is taking place, the red LED will flash, returning to solid green when done. To come: Temperature sensor - min/max temp. warning Sunlight sensor - raise or lower a shade PH/EC sensor - low/high warning

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