Theremin Granular Sound Synthetizer (sort of).
*Adapted from Auduino, the Lo-Fi granular synthesiser
by Peter Knight, [](*
More about Granular Synthesis on [wikipedia](
- Arduino Pro Mini board
- USBASP programmer
- 4 potentiometers and one infrared distance sensor are connected to Analog (0-5) pins on the Arduino board (real mapping must be determined)
- MIDI input using RxD signal form serial interface (making the serial interface and arduino bootloader not usable for programming)
- Audio output on Digital pin 3 (1-bit DAC/8-bits PWM/31.25kHz)
- one spin plate sensor from a hard drive motor + plates (unused)
- Amplifier + speaker module / housing
- Two voices granular Synthetizer
- Controls: Synchronization, and Freq (pitch) & Decay for each voice (5 controls)
**Sound mappings:**
- linear
- logarithmic
- major pentatonic
- pentatonic
- minor pentatonic
- major diatonic
- minor diatonic
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