Action4challenge by LightSoundAction

Make a Servo Artist - an Arc Bot
[Action challenge 3 and 4 Fritzing diagram]( [Action challenge 4 Servo Artist photos]( The circuit is the same as Action Challenge 3 1 Arduino 1 Breadboard 2 Servo Motors 2 Potentiometers Jumper wires .............. for Challenge 4 - to make the Arc Bot, you can use a variety of materials to add to your Servos! 1 Large Binder clips - best for the "wrist" Servo to scoot along the table 5 Small Binder clips - best for attaching sticks to the tops of the Servo horns, and 1 works to hold a pen at the end of a stick, to actually draw with! 1 Pen (or more) Rubber bands Popsicle Sticks Chopsticks Tape Other upcycle items work too like dowels & paint brushes Other materials welcome to construct your Servo Artist

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