MeArm_LCD_Tester by MeArm

Cloned from Sketch MeArm_Joy_LCD_2 by MeArm

Sketch for testing the correct contrast of your LCD
This sketch disables all other functions of the brains board and is just for testing the LCD Screen. Contrast is from 0 to 127. Up and down on the left joy stick will change the contrast. Record the number at which you can most clearly see the screen then use it in the Default code.

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  • 2017-03-25 Ashmita Tiwari

    I bought a MeArm kit and am trying to program the LCD.

    You have the following code.

    Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(4, 8, 7);//updated MeArm Pins

    You are providing three arguments to the Adafruit_PCD8544 constructor.

    I checked the file <adafruit_pcd8544.h>. It requires 4 or 5 constructors.

    Therefore, I cannot compile your code. Can you provide the appropriate constructor arguments that I should use.

    Thank you.