TB6612_Wireless by bri_huang

Cloned from Sketch Ludus_RCWireless by bri_huang

This adds RC wireless control to the RedBot Mainboard. Connect the Aileron (Ch 1) and the Throttle (Ch 2) to the pins A0 and A1.
Ludus Shield RC Remote Code This example uses pulseIn() to measure the PWM signal from a standard RC remote receiver connected to the Ludus Shield through pins A0 and A1. Most standard RC remotes have a range between 1000 uS and 2000 uS with a center band at 1500 uS. Using a logic analyzer we found that this receiver had a range of 1200 uS to 1800 uS. You will see this in the mapping function below. Connect the Ludus Shield to the receiver using a standard 3-wire female to female Servo jumper cables. Connect the signal lines to correspond with the pin definitions below, or change the pins definitions to match your wiring.

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