1sheild by andreayres

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This code uses 1 sheild which allow you to wirelessly us your android phone or tablet to emulate specific electronics parts. You can find the complete list at 1sheild.com or simply search for their android app in the play store.

Embed This Sketch

Use the following HTML code to embed the sketch code above in your blog or website.

<iframe style="height: 510px; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0 10px;" allowTransparency="true" src="https://codebender.cc/embed/sketch:38362" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Embed The Serial Monitor

You can also embed the Serial Monitor section! Just use this HTML code.

<iframe style="height: 510px; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0 10px;" allowTransparency="true" src="https://codebender.cc/embed/serialmonitor" frameborder="0"></iframe>