[6] Caravan Battery Monitor SLAVE 01-00-00-00 by komfile

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### **Caravan Battery Monitor SLAVE** The purpose of this program is to: **Monitor** The slave monitors car supply voltage and caravan house battery whilst it is under tow. There are two parts to the monitor. A slave unit that resides in the caravan and a Master that is a portable unit more often than not kept in the tow vehicle but can be placed anywhere within radio range of the van. The slave sends information to the master so that the driver can see the condition on the van battery while towing. **Alarm** Provides high and low voltage alarms for the house battery and car 12 volt DC supply. **Communicate** Serial wireless sends these conditions to the tow vehicle. **User Control** There is only one push button. It is used to select the required LCD page. LCD page 1 displays the filtered car DC supply and caravan battery voltages. Plus each has a suffix that indicates if the voltage is in alarm. A status signal derived from the Redarc BCDC charger indicates if it considers itself working. LCD page 2 displays the alarm points for the car DC supply to the Redarc BCDC charger LCD page 3 displays the alarm points for the caravan battery LCD page 4 displays identical to page 1 except that all the values are unfiltered LCD page 5 displays version numbers and date plus displays the current baud rate for the software serial port See detailed notes within the source file

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