[4] EV mule xbee copy by komfile

Cloned from Sketch EV mule xbee by lpestes

Made for test mule: RC car with damped rear suspension, xBee, and IR sensor on the front un-driven wheel. 'edit' for more.
Made for test mule: RC car with damped rear suspension, xBee, and IR sensor on the front un-driven wheel - d sets distance in cm - a sets acceleration, arbitrary units, 20 is OK for most floors, 40 for clean gym floor, 60 for Gill Park Basketball court - g starts run - any key stops run - Velocity ramps up, cruises for .5 to 4.5 meters, then ramps down, dithering through neutural - After run data can be uploaded with beagleterm and plotted. 'Move' again to get ready for another run.

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