HelloRogueMP3 by bhagman

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***HelloRogueMP3*** Rogue Robotics MP3 Module Library Example (HelloRogueMP3) For a sample sound, you can download an example here: https://googledrive.com/host/0BxcFNQX9fJt9ckNKTVpDY3NJN0E/HelloRogue.mp3 More free sounds and music can be found here: https://googledrive.com/host/0BxcFNQX9fJt9ckNKTVpDY3NJN0E/ The RogueMP3 Wiring and Arduino Library works with the following Rogue Robotics modules: - uMP3 (Industrial MP3 Playback Module) - rMP3 (Commercial MP3 Playback Module)

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