Boat,Car,Tank-Game pad MMA7361 + serial XBee by RobotPlace

Cloned from Sketch MMA7361 by RobotPlace

This is a code for Game pad to control a Boat or a tank using MMA7361 accelerometer + serial XBee
## Game pad MMA7361 + serial XBee This game pad is no button controller to drive a boat, a car, or a tank with simle inclination: Valid values for x and y from -250 to +250: -forward....100 to +250 -stop......-100 to +100 -backward..-250 to -100 -left......-250 to -100 -right......100 to +250 ### How it works: -switch controller on -LED turns on for 1 sec -LED turns off - indicate accelerometer started callibration -LED turns on - accelerometer callibrated -press the single button to send commands (safety switch) -not pressed buttons => only stop command is sent I made this for my son to not confuse him with buttons :-) ### Hardware -Arduino (Uno, Nano) -MMA7361 accelerometer -XBee -Wires ### Make this circuit Game pad ![enter link description here]( ### XBee Configuration

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