Sprinter copy by cupolo1

Cloned from Sketch Sprinter copy by ikastanioti

This sketch is missing a short description
### Sprinter Firmware for RepRap printers and similar devices ------ The leading developers of Sprinter are currently Kliment, caru and midopple, though many others contribute with their patches. This is a firmware for RAMPS and other reprap single-processor electronics setups. It supports printing from SD card, active heatbed control, and ATmega internal pullups. This work is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 or (at the user's discretion) any later version. It is based on Tonokips's firmware, which was licensed under GPL v2 or later. WARNING: This version (April 19th, 2011) fixes a bug that caused speeds to be lower than what set in GCODE. So before attempting any print, you will have to check all your axis max speed, including the extruder retract speed. Not following this guidelines can seriously damage your printer.

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