WiFi IF by classdisk

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ESP_with_few_GPIO -- use when you version of ESP8266 has few GPIO such as -- ESP01 -- ESP11 -- ESP10 -- ESP05 -- ESP02 ESP_with_many_GPIO -- use when your version of ESP8266 has many GPIO such as -- ESP03 -- ESP04 -- ESP06 -- ESP07 -- ESP08 -- ESP12 (all version of ESP12/E/F/S) -- ESP13 -- ESP14 Use this code when you want to monitor control any pins of your ESP8266 anywhere 1. Make sure to key in the deviceid from the website. You can get one(1) when adding a device. 2. After adding a new device, put a new widget. For controls better use a SWITCH widget. Add a SWITCH widget to match with the ESP Pins you are going to use. 3. If you are using multiple pins, make sure there are NO TWO SWITCH WIDGET Controlling one(1) ESP pin or else it will be controlled by any two(2) switch. .... This project is 100% guaranteed to work. If you encounter any problems please feel free to write it in the comment section. .: www.iot-ph.com

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