Alexa_Wemo[esp8266] by classdisk

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REF: I just wanted to build a cheap switch that can be controlled by Amazon Alexa by emulating a delkin device. You can do this using WeMos D1-mini + Relay or use SonOff ##Using WeMos D1-mini + Relay## WeMos D1-mini ($4.00) WeMos Relay ($1.90) AC-DC HLK-PM01 module voltage 220V to 5V (Optinal) to convert 220V to 5V for D1-mini Relay is connected to D1 To controlled this switch via Amazon Alexa. Download the code Change the WI-FI settings. Flash Scan for new devices in Alexa Say "turn on" box ##Using Sonoff## Sonoff - Thanks @joeman2116 ( Use a ftdi 3.3v as the programmer. I tried type as a generic 1meg flash but got reboot problems. So I used the nodemcu.9 choice. Change the ssid Change password Change device name to (your choice) Pins I use d6 for the relay and d7 for the led.(optional) If you want to control more than 1 switch checkout my other project ##Articles about the Wemos switch monkeytypewritr ##Credits makermusings - GitHub ##Developed By Aruna Tennakoon 3 beers from dougstrickland - Thanks 2 beers from Michael Berna 1 beer Keg from Phillip Ryals 5 beers from Steven Boger fauxmo Emulated Belkin WeMo devices that work with the Amazon Echo Visit this Maker Musings article to learn more about using this code to integrate the Amazon Echo with your own home automation. Summary The Amazon Echo will allow you to control a limited number of home automation devices by voice. If you want to control device types that it doesn't know about, or perform more sophisticated actions, the Echo doesn't provide any native options. This code emulates the Belkin WeMo devices in software, allowing you to have it appear that any number of them are on your network and to link their on and off actions to any code you want. Instructions All of the code to make it work is contained in the single file, It requires Python 2.7 and standard libraries. The example handler class that reacts to on and off commands uses the python-requests library, but could be replaced with code that does the same thing in many different ways. Copy the file to your server and edit the FAUXMOS list for the device names you want and the URLs to invoke for on and off commands for each one. You can execute it simply as ./ If you want debug output, execute ./ -d. If you want it to run for an extended period, you could do something like nohup ./ & or take extra steps to make it run at startup, etc. Note: unless you specify port numbers in the creation of your fauxmo objetcs, your virtual switch devices will use a different port every time you run, which will make it hard for the Echo to find them. So you should plan to either leave the script running for long periods or choose fixed port numbers. Once is running, simply tell your Echo to "Find connected devices". You can also do this from the Echo App web page. Related

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