[Advanced 5] Arduino Robotic Arm Accel-Deccel (CharVal) by RobotPlace

Cloned from Sketch [Advanced 5] Arduino Robotic Arm (CharVal) by RobotPlace

Control Robot Arm (6 servos) with RobotPlace Interfaces
This code is for 6 DOF Robot Arm with 6 servos.<br> ![This code is for 6 DOF Robot Arm with 6 servos.](https://portal.robotplace.com/files/gallery/default/files/Avatars/Devices/robotic_arm1.jpg)<br> Control is with usage of RobotPalce Interfaces.<br> ![This code is for 6 DOF Robot Arm with 6 servos.](https://portal.robotplace.com/files/gallery/default/files/Avatars/Interfaces/screenshot.442.png)<br> Communication with Live TCP of RobotPalce<br> HW composition: Arduino Ethernet Shield Sensor Shield + external 5V power with at least 4A

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