MQTT-ethernet-node-4-buttons-4-leds by classdisk

Cloned from Sketch MQTT-ethernet-node-4-buttons-4-leds by felison

MQTT Ethernet Node with 4 buttons and 4 leds (or relays).
![enter link description here]( Ethernet Node with 4 buttons and 4 leds (or relays). Platform: Arduino-Uno with W5100-Ethernet-Shield. Leds can be replaced with relays to create 4 relay node. Button1 controls led1 and outgoing MQTT message1 Button2 controls led2 and outgoing MQTT meesage2 Button3 controls led3 and outgoing MQTT message3 Button4 controls led4 and outgoing MWTT message4 Incoming MQTT message1 controls led1 Incoming MQTT message2 controls led2 Incoming MQTT message3 controls led3 Incoming MQTT message4 controls led4 Note: Needs library Bounce2. This library is not yet available from Codebender website, but is to be downloaded from Arduino website.

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