zmq-arduino by maganj3m

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zeromq-arduino-example Sending ZeroMQ (ØMQ) messages from Arduino (limited zmq wire protocol implementation) You need an Ethernet Shield and (optionally) some sensors to be read on analog pins 0 and 1 This example sends one ZeroMQ message every second to a ZeroMQ PULL socket on port 7000 This means this code implements the simplest PUSH message. It does not implement a full ZeroMQ stack. You should use it as a mean of delivering messages to a more stable ØMQ router running on a server. Example server Example of a listening PULL socket (in Python): import sys import zmq import time context = zmq.Context() sock = context.socket(zmq.PULL) sock.bind("tcp://*8080") while True: message= sock.recv() print message

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