Lesson1_LED_http_simpliest_noLib by hubacekp

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A first examle to communicate between RobotMonitor Interfaces and a Device over HTTP. <br> This code is the simplest way to switch ON/OFF a LED or a Relay on the Arduino. **View more description:**<br> [here:http://www.robotmonitor.com/example/single-led/](here:http://www.robotmonitor.com/example/single-led/)<br> Use this URL when outside home network:<br> (use RobotMonitor's Proxy)<br> http://yourWAN:51840/a to turn the LED ON<br> http://yourWAN:51840/s to turn the LED OFF Use this URL in the home network.<br> (don't use RobotMonitor's Proxy)<br> to turn the LED ON<br> to turn the LED OFF You MUST setup Port forwarding on your router according to the Arduino's port and the IP

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