Full thermostat for Arduino (Usualy Arduino Nano or Pro Mini ) by Krapazok

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*Thermostat standalone For Arduino PRO MINI with adapted shield * By Mostosi Daniel Started in 12/2014 Firmware version : V0.2 Licence GPL : Direct copy and sale is prohibited without my consent Contact : [email protected] Update : 29/12/2014 - Debubing (more) - First test in real mode (good Heating regulation !) - Adding the Cooling and Ventilation mode - Basic RGB Led controll 27/12/2014 - Debuging - Adapt for the Arduino Pro Mini 5V 06/12/2014 - Antifreeze mode (save pipe from frost) - EEPROM for save configuration - Night mode - Holiday mode (minimal regulation for no freezing the room/home) 05/12/2014 - Creating the program - Fan regulation - Valve Regulation For the furure - Module RTC (Real Time Clock) Inspired from http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/DS1302 - ModBus RS485

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