SwitchMoteConfig by marcusblevin

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SwitchMoteConfig sketch, which needs to be loaded and used once, after assembly and before SwitchMote installation. This sketch is meant to help setup the essential parameters of the Moteino in the SwitchMote such as frequency, node and network IDs, RFM69 type (W or HW), encryption key, description, and some other utilities that may be extended in the future. All these parameters are then stored to EEPROM and will not be dependent on hardcoded values in your sketch. This is especially useful when you have some nodes with RFM69W Moteinos and some with RFM69HW. It’s hard to keep track of all the transceivers settings. Additional settings could be added, like power level, bitrate, etc. Keeping the configuration with each node is most efficient in applications like SwitchMote. Setup once and forget!

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