Sweep a servo back and forth through its full range of motion.
A "servo", short for servomotor, is a motor that includes
feedback circuitry that allows it to be commanded to move to
specific positions. This one is very small, but larger servos
are used extensively in robotics to control mechanical arms,
hands, etc. You could use it to make a (tiny) robot arm,
aircraft control surface, or anywhere something needs to be
moved to specific positions.
####Hardware connections:
The servo has a cable attached to it with three wires.
Because the cable ends in a socket, you can use jumper wires
to connect between the Arduino and the servo. Just plug the
jumper wires directly into the socket.
Connect the RED wire (power) to 5 Volts (5V)
Connect the WHITE wire (signal) to digital pin 9
Connect the BLACK wire (ground) to ground (GND)
Note that servos can use a lot of power, which can cause your
Arduino to reset or behave erratically. If you're using large
servos or many of them, it's best to provide them with their
own separate 5V supply. See this Arduino Forum thread for info:
####Wiring Diagram
![enter link description here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sparkfun/Fritzing_Parts/master/kits/12060_sfe_inventors_kit_with_redboard_v32/sik_redboard_circuit_08.png)
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