weatherCopter_tower_v4_20150306 by ntr4ef

Cloned from Sketch gps_ds2_v2 by ntr4ef

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weatherCopter code to run a sensor network used on the towers for the WeatherCopter capstone project. v1 - GPS only using Adafruit tutorial v2 - GPS and DS2 now working. Edited Adafruit_GPS, SoftwareSerial, and SDI12 libraries to prevent ISR vector collision. v3 - (20150305) GPS, DS2, and SD card. v4 - (20150206) moved from single string storage to multi string storage plus print to file and Serial internal to functions. release version. author: nathan tyler rose date: 20150305 board: Seeeduino Stalker v2.3 circuit: sensor pin ---------------- GPS GND GND GPS 3v3 3v3 GPS RX 2 GPS TX 3 ---------------- DS2 5v 5v DS2 GND GND DS2 DATA 8 ---------------- SHT 3v3(2) 3v3 SHT GND(3) GND SHT CLK(1) 6 SHT DATA(4) 7

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