7 digit clock werkt niet by workshops.novumlabor

Cloned from Sketch Totally my arduino clock by Nargulmin

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/* "My" Arduino clock on a standard 4-digit clock display Uses a Liteon LTC-617D1G clock display, "designed" and "written" by "me" Connections: LTC - Arduino 1 - nc 2 - nc 3 - nc 4 - d7 5 - d3 6 - d2 7 - d11 8 - d10 9 - d4 10 - gnd 22 - d9 23 - d5 24 - d6 25 - A0 // because d13 already has a built-in LED getting in the way 26 - d8 27 - d12 28 - A1 29 - gnd button: 5v - button - A4 - 10k resistor - gnd */ #define DIGIT1 2 #define DIGIT2 3 #define DIGIT3 5 #define DIGIT4 6 #define SEGMENTA 7 #define SEGMENTB 8 #define SEGMENTC 9 #define SEGMENTD 10 #define SEGMENTE 11 #define SEGMENTF 12 #define SEGMENTG A0 #define COLON 4 #define AMPM A1 #define BUTTON A4 #define ON HIGH #define OFF LOW #define DELAYTIME 50 unsigned short hours, minutes, seconds; boolean pm; unsigned long lastTime; // keeps track of when the previous second happened int buttonState; // the current reading from the button pin int lastButtonState = LOW; // the previous reading from the button pin unsigned long button_down_start = 0; // how long the button was held down unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; // the debounce time void setup() { // initialize all the required pins as output. pinMode(DIGIT1, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIGIT2, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIGIT3, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIGIT4, OUTPUT); pinMode(SEGMENTA, OUTPUT); pinMode(SEGMENTB, OUTPUT); pinMode(SEGMENTC, OUTPUT); pinMode(SEGMENTD, OUTPUT); pinMode(SEGMENTE, OUTPUT); pinMode(SEGMENTF, OUTPUT); pinMode(SEGMENTG, OUTPUT); pinMode(COLON, OUTPUT); pinMode(AMPM, OUTPUT); // button is input pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); // set the initial time hours = 9; minutes = 7; seconds = 0; pm = true; lastTime = millis(); } void loop() { // Keep showing the display while waiting for timer to expire while (millis() - lastTime < 1000) { clock_show_time(hours, minutes); // blink the colon, every even second if (seconds % 2 == 0) { clock_show_colon(); } // button presses increase minutes int reading = digitalRead(BUTTON); // If the switch changed, due to noise or pressing: if (reading != lastButtonState) { // reset the debouncing timer lastDebounceTime = millis(); } if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) { // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer // than the debounce delay, so take it as the actual current state: if (buttonState != reading) { button_down_start = millis(); // record the start of the current button state } buttonState = reading; // buttonState is now either on or off if (buttonState == HIGH) { // if the button was held down more than 5 seconds, make it go faster if ((millis() - button_down_start) > 5000) { seconds += 10; if (seconds > 59) seconds = 59; } // button has been pressed incrementTime(); } } lastButtonState = reading; } lastTime += 1000; incrementTime(); } // // a call to incrementTime increases time by one second. // void incrementTime() { if (seconds == 59) { seconds = 0; if (minutes == 59) { minutes = 0; if (hours == 12) { hours = 1; } else { hours++; if (hours == 12) { pm = !pm; } } } else { minutes++; } } else { seconds++; } } // // clock_show_time - displays the given time on the clock display // Note that instead of hr/min the user can also send min/sec // Maximum hr is 99, Maximum min is 59, and minimum is 0 for both (it's unsigned, heh). // void clock_show_time(unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes) { unsigned short i; unsigned short delaytime; unsigned short num_leds[10] = { 6, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 6 }; unsigned short digit[4]; unsigned short hide_leading_hours_digit; // convert minutes and seconds into the individual digits // check the boundaries if (hours > 99) hours = 99; if (minutes > 59) minutes = 59; // convert hr if (hours < 10 && hours > 0) { hide_leading_hours_digit = 1; } else { hide_leading_hours_digit = 0; } digit[0] = hours / 10; digit[1] = hours % 10; // remainder digit[2] = minutes / 10; digit[3] = minutes % 10; // remainder for (i = hide_leading_hours_digit; i < 4; i++) { clock_all_off(); clock_show_digit(i, digit[i]); // fewer leds = brighter display, so delay depends on number of leds lit. delaytime = num_leds[digit[i]] * DELAYTIME; delayMicroseconds(delaytime); } clock_all_off(); if (pm) { clock_show_ampm(); } clock_all_off(); } // // clock_all_off - turns off all the LEDs on the clock to give a blank display // void clock_all_off(void) { // digits must be ON for any LEDs to be on digitalWrite(DIGIT1, OFF); digitalWrite(DIGIT2, OFF); digitalWrite(DIGIT3, OFF); digitalWrite(DIGIT4, OFF); // segments must be OFF for any LEDs to be on digitalWrite(SEGMENTA, ON); digitalWrite(SEGMENTB, ON); digitalWrite(SEGMENTC, ON); digitalWrite(SEGMENTD, ON); digitalWrite(SEGMENTE, ON); digitalWrite(SEGMENTF, ON); digitalWrite(SEGMENTG, ON); // turn off colon and alarm too digitalWrite(COLON, OFF); digitalWrite(AMPM, OFF); } // // clock_show_digit - turns on the LEDs for the digit in the given position // position can be from 0 through 3: 0 and 1 being the hour, 2 and 3 being the seconds // value can be from 0 through 9, ie, a valid single digit. // // (if value is out of range, it displays a 9. if digit is out of range display remains blank) // void clock_show_digit(unsigned short position, unsigned short value) { byte a; byte b; byte c; byte d; byte e; byte f; byte g; switch (position) { case 0: digitalWrite(DIGIT1, ON); break; case 1: digitalWrite(DIGIT2, ON); break; case 2: digitalWrite(DIGIT3, ON); break; case 3: digitalWrite(DIGIT4, ON); break; } a = !(value == 1 || value == 4); b = !(value == 5 || value == 6); c = !(value == 2); d = !(value == 1 || value == 4 || value == 7); e = (value == 0 || value == 2 || value == 6 || value == 8); f = !(value == 1 || value == 2 || value == 3 || value == 7); g = !(value == 0 || value == 1 || value == 7); if (a) digitalWrite(SEGMENTA, OFF); if (b) digitalWrite(SEGMENTB, OFF); if (c) digitalWrite(SEGMENTC, OFF); if (d) digitalWrite(SEGMENTD, OFF); if (e) digitalWrite(SEGMENTE, OFF); if (f) digitalWrite(SEGMENTF, OFF); if (g) digitalWrite(SEGMENTG, OFF); } // // clock_show_colon - shows the colon that separates minutes from seconds // void clock_show_colon(void) { unsigned short delaytime; digitalWrite(COLON, ON); // 2 leds = 2 delays needed delaytime = DELAYTIME * 2; // must use variable to have similar delay to rest of clock delayMicroseconds(delaytime); // because use of variable slows it down slightly. digitalWrite(COLON, OFF); } // // clock_show_alarm - shows the ampm dot (bottom right of clock display) // void clock_show_ampm(void) { unsigned short delaytime; digitalWrite(AMPM, ON); delaytime = DELAYTIME; // must use variable to have similar delay to rest of clock delayMicroseconds(delaytime); // because use of variable slows it down slightly. digitalWrite(AMPM, OFF); }

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