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herrerodani 80

lelylan_simple_light CC3000
KY-001 DS18b20
KY-001 DS18b20 Dallas
KY-002 Vibration switch module
KY-003 Hall magnetic sensor module
KY-022 Infrared sensor receiver module
KY-005 Infrared emission sensor module
KY-001 CC300 MQTT Lelylan
M2X DallasTemperature CC3000
lelylan DallasTemp Ethernet
KY-006 Passive Buzzer
KY-008 Laser sensor moduleUntitled_Project
KY-009 3-color full-color LED SMD modules
KY-010 Optical broken module
KY-011 2-color LED module
KY-012 Active buzzer module
KY-013 Temperature sensor module
KY-015 Temperature and humidity sensor module
KY-017 Mercury open optical module
KY-018 Photo resistor module
KY-019 5V relay module
KY-020 Tilt switch module
KY-021 Mini magnetic reed modules
KY-016 3-color LED module
KY-023 XY-axis joystick module
KY-024 Linear magnetic Hall sensors
KY-025 Reed module
Dimmer Lelylan Ethernet
KY-026 Flame sensor module
KY-027 Magic light cup module
KY-029 Yin Yi 2-color LED module 3MM
KY-031 Shock Sensor module
KY-032 Obstacle avoidance sensor module
KY-033 Obstacle sensor module
KY-034 Automatic flashing colorful LED module
KY-035 Class Bihor magnetic sensor
KY-036 Metal touch sensor module
KY-037 Sensitive microphone sensor module Digital O
KY-037 Sensitive microphone sensor module Analog O
KY-039 Detect the heartbeat module
KY-040 Rotary encoder module
M2X DallasTemperature Ethernet M2X
MicroView Ir receiver
Lego Power Functions
Jedi light
Jedi Light Serial
APDS-9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor
Gesture distance
Motor + Gesture
MySensors_Thermostat copy