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  • 2018-11-28 Yetti


  • 2016-07-25 tzikis

    not sure what you mean by "Arduino + FastLED version 3.001.001", but I click "Run on Arduino" and it seems to compile just fine

  • 2016-07-25 Yossi WF

    Tzikis.. i did arduino mega and uno
    no compile.. shows that errors

    Arduino + "FastLED version 3.001.001"

  • 2016-07-25 tzikis

    Yossi WF which device are you compiling for? I just used Arduino Uno and it seems to work

  • 2016-07-23 Yossi WF

    Why i got

    Clock:52: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    currentBlending = BLEND;


    C:\Users\ok\Documents\Arduino\Clock\Clock.ino: In function 'void ChangePalettePeriodically()':

    Clock:95: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 0) { currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; currentBlending = BLEND; }


    Clock:97: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 15) { currentPalette = RainbowStripeColors_p; currentBlending = BLEND; }


    Clock:98: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 20) { SetupPurpleAndGreenPalette(); currentBlending = BLEND; }


    Clock:99: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 25) { SetupTotallyRandomPalette(); currentBlending = BLEND; }


    Clock:101: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 35) { SetupBlackAndWhiteStripedPalette(); currentBlending = BLEND; }


    Clock:102: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 40) { currentPalette = CloudColors_p; currentBlending = BLEND; }


    Clock:103: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 45) { currentPalette = PartyColors_p; currentBlending = BLEND; }


    Clock:105: error: 'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

    if( secondHand == 55) { currentPalette = myRedWhiteBluePalette_p; currentBlending = BLEND; }


    exit status 1
    'BLEND' was not declared in this scope

  • 2015-11-20 codebender

    This example was tested on 2016-06-11 and it compiles on Arduino Uno, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Mega